Web Maintenance


Web maintenance is how you keep your website running smoothly and efficiently.  Maintaining your website can be as simple as running updates to adding new features.


Web Maintenance
Web Development


Web Maintenance is the process of updating or improving your website. Website maintenance can be as simple as running updates or adding new features. It could be updates to the frontend (User Interface) or backend,  but it is often overlooked until an error occurs.

from R1 950, 00

Colour Palette

Logo Design

Font & Typography


Digital Business Card

Responsive Design

Website & Marketing Strategy Guide

Style Guide

keyboard with Lego man performing maintenance

OUr Process

Transparency and collaboration are part of our key values. That is why we make sure you understand the process we will follow and have regular updates along the way.

Time Management

We will provide you with an expected timeline for each step of the process. We know that your website is an integral part of your business and want to ensure you receive a quality product in a reasonable timeframe.

Market Research

We use top technologies to ensure that we are able to do accurate market research. We are firm believers that your success is a measure of our success. 

User Experience Research

Your website needs to speak to your clients. That is why we do the research to ensure that your website is easy to access and navigate by your users.

Brand Redesign

Design is a subjective aspect of building your website. And like you and your business, this will change over time. We’re here to talk about giving you and your brand a fresh look.

Web Maintenance

Your web page is like a pot plant. The day you bring it home, it’s shiny and beautiful. But if you don’t water it and nurture it, it withers and dies. Maintaining your website can be as simple as running updates or adding new features.

are You ready to see your business grow?
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